Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Internal Struggle: An Ode

To say what I'm about to say.
Teeth were removed from her mouth
One of which doth traveled south.
You see, what happened is quite rare
For she was in rather excellent care
But there was a tiny slip
That sent a tooth on a sweet trip.
Could it be, it lost it's way?
Or maybe it just wants to stay.
I understand it is quite wise
But it needs to cut it's ties.
Inside a belly it doth roam
But that cannot be it's home.
Dear wisdom tooth, it's time to leave
Give our girl a bit of reprieve.
Perhaps it will take one more meal
One thing's sure, shit's getting real.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Going North
Fargo wasn't exactly sunshiny or warm like Austin, but that didn't get us down. We hit up Dunn Bros. for some cards and magic tricks. They were...umm...absolutely fascinating. I'm just kidding. I love your magic, Allison! ;) And it's only fair to note she kicked my ass in cards. Then, we ventured to Paradiso for lunch where Allison decided to use some of the restaurant's decor as individual guacamole holders....naturally. Then, it was off to West Fargo Moore Engineering office to visit the madre who was in quite a chipper mood as it was Friday! Finally, we landed at Clay Your Way to paint us a Journey Jar!!! Umm...finishing touches are pending due to capacity of jar and creative block on behalf of the artists. But it's looking very promising. We had a blast starting the painting process. Allison was very focused and serious. :)
Lots of family dinners, some episodes of Harper's Island, and several glasses of wine led us into Saturday where we ventured to Carrington and Kensal to visit more family and get down and dirty with some fresh salsa and shanghai rummy. Events commenced as they always have, under in the influence of chips, soda, and Dean Martin. I don't think I've laughed that hard or that much in a long time! It was so awesome to have Allison meet my grandparents and the Smith/Buckle clan.
Easter Sunday found us sleepy as we had stayed up continuing the murder mystery that was Harper's Island...dom dom dom!!! Poor Allison had to deal with my panzy ass trying to get through each suspensful scene as I clawed her face and arms in panic! How she found that endearing, I'll never know. That show is absolutely disturbing.
We went for a killer walk in search of Cadbury eggs. We failed. Every place in Fargo was sold out. Ok, two places were sold out. We settled on rice ice cream and Reeses peanut butter eggs instead. EXCELLENT. Later, Allison got to mee the broham, Jordan, as we devoured Mexican food in celebration of the resurrection of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, but not before the massive photo montage mother demanded. Oi. Good times though...I mean, as always!
It was another amazing adventure for us and way too much fun! Thanks so much for coming to visit me and explore my world, my childhood, my family, and my life here. Much love, doodle bug! x00xo0ox 
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