Thursday, October 14, 2010
Today is the day. We have just boarded the plane for our first flight to LAX. And then, it is off to Maui. The excitement is already becoming increasingly overwhelming. We booked this trip on March 22nd. Maybe that is why today is the first day that this trip has seemed real. We have been looking forward to this destination

Kelsey is sleeping on my shoulder right now as we head west toward the Pacific. I have a Dr. Pepper and am watching 'Grownups' on the 12 inch tube television hanging from the ceiling of our 757. It is important to note that this is the first time Kelsey and I have been on a plane together. It really hit me as we were going through security. All I can do is smile. I feel so lucky to have fallen in love with someone so amazing. This is a big trip for us for so many reasons. Yes, I am turning 30 in just a few days but what i find to be worth celebrating even more is the fact that Kelsey and I have made it through the first year of our relationship and still look to every passing day as a blessing just to be with one another. I love you, Kelsey. There is no one else i want by my side in Maui, in this lifetime, in forever.
Kelsey here! I can't believe this is really happening. We are on our way to Maui! I feel so incredibly lucky to be experiencing this beautiful island with the love of my life! I cannot wait to see what Maui has in store for us, all the amazing scenery, delicious and fresh food, and exquisite culture! Allison turning 30 is the perfect reason to be smiling and celebrating everyday...not to mention the fact we are going on one year together in the strongest and healthiest relationship I could ever imagine. She's pretty much the coolest human raised by humans ever! Maui and memories here we come!!! Aloha!!!
Sidenote: I am not thrilled to be announcing that the woman sitting next to me on the plane has a nose running like a leaky faucet. If she gets us sick, I pray we don't run into her on the island.
***** it turns out, the sick girl next to us, Gertie, is now holding us hostage as kelsey has to potty and cannot maneuver her way out of our row due to said sleepy, sick girl.
Allison has had a headache for a while but it subsided enough to play a few games. I smoked her ass in shanghai rummy 660 to 175, however, she beat me at four games of word war in a row. Booooooooooo!
Ummm...the movie on this flight is Toy Story 3. What kind of horse shit is that? I will tell you... It is toy horse shit... There is one child on this plane and that child thoroughly enjoys this film. She is sitting in front of me, Allison, and rocking autisticly to the rhymes and ridiculousness of the movie. Her dad has told her to stop twice now... Let's hope his previous abuse is enough to scare her into stopping her rocking.
Update on Gertie... She has finally awoken, whether it be due to the obnoxiously loud fake cough Allison initiated or any natural drainage occurring from her head to her nose. Either way, Kelsey is now able to free her bladder of all her wrong doings and diet coke consumption thus far today. Okay, not sure exactly what it is Kelsey is freeing in the bathroom as she has been gone for about 6 minutes... She is back now...climbing over Gertie because she has gone into coma once again... Let's ask Kelsey about her experience and liberation at 36,000 feet.
Wow, thanks darling. Everything about my experience in the lavatory was magical except for the fact I walked in on a elderly man who did not turn the lever to occupied. We're now both slightly scarred and on the same plane for at least another few hours. Awesome. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Gertie for doing absolutely nothing. I had to hop over her to both leave and come back. My bladder is fine though and we're going to Maui!!!! And we just ate four Reese's and they were so delicious. Life is so goooooooood!
Sidenote: Seeing how Gertie is comatose, I am quite thankful that, unlike Kelsey, I have the bladder of... Well, hmmmmm, something that never has to go.... A statue? Yes, that is it... I have the bladder of a statue... A really, really pretty statue of course. That is all.
We landed. Everything is dark so we really have no idea what we have stumbled upon. We can't wait to begin day two, which might really seem more like day one since we will be in Maui hue entire day.

P.s. Our suite at the Ritz is absolutely everything we could have hoped for... But more to come on our deluxe residential Oceanside suite in day two.
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