Friday, October 15, 2010
What a way to start the day...Allison tapped me on the shoulder like a little kid excited to run out on the lanai and witness just what we had signed up for. And BAM!!!! Absolutely breathtaking view of utter paradise. The view to our left is the resort pools and palm trees and man made waterfalls, while the view to our right is the OCEAN!!!!! All you can see is blue for miles, a gorgeous mountain and nothing but clear skies.
Allison made some coffee and we just sat outside and took it all in and discussed the life and accomplishments of Miss Allison Michelle Johnson's 29-year-old self. We both concluded she's an absolutely phenomenal woman. Yes, she agreed. ;). After unpacking, a few photo opps and primping it's off to breakfast we go!!! Aloha!
We were not quite sure where to go for breakfast so we jumped in the rented Dodge Charger and set forth only to find what had been draped in darkness last night on our drive in... The most amazing views To be found anywhere in the Pacific! Heading through Kapalua, we are surrounded by the clearest ocean views and the softest breeze I have ever felt. I feel so relaxed and still so unbelievably lucky to have Kelsey here with me to take it all in, all the while holding my hand through every turn and bend in the road. Turning 30 hasn't felt appropriate until this moment... Did I just stumble across the meaning of life? :-)
Okay, so for breakfast we were not sure where we would end up but we found this adorably quaint and comfortable place in Kapalua. It is the Honolua Store.
Kels here...

3933003 case number - this is simply a side note indicating how we were able to get our new iPad on the Ritz Carlton wireless network.

We realized when we got back that semi-furnished kitchen means you have everything; blender; knives; pots; pot holders; mixing bowls; spatulas... You get the drift. With all of these cooking utensils, one might conclude that we would have a stove or oven. But, alas, we do not. We have a microwave though so tonight we will be working our magic with our salmon and tuna filets via 3 to 5 minutes of radiation heating with said microwave. And, you can be assured that I will be wearing the oven mitts they have supplied... Sans oven.

There really

More to come soon... We love you guys!
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